Endoscopy Facts

What is endoscopy? 

Endoscopy is a medicinal system in which an instrument called endoscope is passed into a particular organ like the throat or digestive tract or urinary bladder to analyse the inward surface of that organ. 

The most widely recognised kind of endoscopy is upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (UGI), which is done to discover issues identified with upper digestive system (Esophagus, Stomach, Duodenum)

Is Endoscopy excruciating? 

The patient is given a calming solution for he/she could unwind amid the methodology. The solution is given through a vein in the lower arm. 

The specialist additionally showers a soporific now and again to numb the patient's throat before embeddings an endoscope. In this way, the patient does not feel any agony amid the method. 

In any case, some somewhat awkward side effects like gas arrangement, cramping or sore throat can be felt a while later. Such side effects are brief and by and large go inside a couple of days.

What are the dangers of the method? 

When all is said in done endoscopy is a protected system. The likely symptoms are 

Extreme bleeding

skin problem,allergic reaction


nausea or vomiting


Fever with temperature over 100 degrees 

Breathing trouble

you can find out the Endoscopy cost in Bangalore and choose the suitable specialist of your choice from recognised hospitals.Get free medical assistance with credihealth

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